“Machines Making Machines? How Perverse.” Racism, (White) Sexual Anxiety, the Droids of Star Wars and the Prequel Trilogy
Nicholas Orion Wanberg
Farstad, B. 2023. Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction.
Farstad, B. 2023. Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction.
Wanberg, N. 2023. “Machines Making Machines? How Perverse.” Racism, (White) Sexual Anxiety, the Droids of Star Wars and the Prequel Trilogy. In: Farstad, B (ed.), Populating the Future. Sweden: Kriterium. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59682/kriterium.52.j
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Publicerad den 19 juli 2023