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    Metadata (exempel)


    Metadata för DOAB etc

    Då vi skickar varje bok till olika kanaler för indexering av metadata  (Directory of Open Access Books, OAPEN, pressportaler etc) används olika klassifikationer för metadata.

    Skicka ifyllt formulär till info@kriterium.se

    Se exempel nedan på hur det kan se ut:

    A) Please provide up to 6 classifications from the Book Industry Communication (BIC) taxonomy. Please provide these in order of importance/relevance to the book. The BIC categories can be found at: https://www.bic.org.uk/7/BIC-Standard-Subject-Categories/

    1. HB History

    2. T Technology, engineering, agriculture…

    3. JNU Teaching of a specific subject

    4. PDX History of science

    5. JPH....

    B) Please provide up to 6 classifications from the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) taxonomy. The BISG categories can be found at: https://bisg.org/general/custom.asp?page=bisacedition

    (note, if you do not wish to provide these then we will map the BIC choices above to the most relevant BISG classifications)

    1. POL16000

    2. HIS035000

    3. EDU003000

    4. EDU034000

    C) Please provide up to 6 disciplines and 6 keywords for the book. These will appear on the book web page and will be filterable to show other books with the same data. These do not have to match the above, however keeping them consistent is advised. (note: if you do not wish to provide these then we will choose the appropriate options from the list(s) provided above)


    Disciplines should relate to the general area of interest that the book sits in (e.g. psychology, sociology, anthropology).

    1. History of science

    2. History of Education

    3. Governmentality,


    Keywords should relate directly to the content of the book and be used to draw in interested readers (e.g. Renaissance , organic farming, genetic engineering). Thema Keywords, se: https://www.editeur.org/files/Thema/1.4/Thema_1.4_en/Thema_v1.4.2_en.html

    1. Education policies

    2. Vocational guidance

    3. Freedom of choice

    4. Recruitment