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  • In the Mood: Place and Tools in the Music Industry with a Focus on Entrepreneurship

    Elisabet Sørfjorddal Hauge

    Povrzanovic Frykman M. & Frykman J. 2016. Sensitive Objects: Affect and Material Culture.

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    In this book a phenomenological approach is often used to explore how objects are sensitised: the analyses explore what is happening interobjectively. Humanitarian aid, political portraits, and bequeathed objects are examples of such sensitising in the previous chapters. Chapter 9 adds an analysis of place and dwells on affective atmospheres. The point of departure is a Norwegian black metal musician. While being part of a subgenre of heavy metal music associated with being macho, aggressive, grotesque, and even satanic, this musician has a striking tendency to constantly involve nature – meadows, trees, streams, and a watermill from his homestead – in his music and performances. Building on a sophisticated interpretation of Heidegger’s understanding of how place works, the author demonstrates the strong relation between affects, creativity, and place.


    Sørfjorddal Hauge, E. 2016. In the Mood: Place and Tools in the Music Industry with a Focus on Entrepreneurship. In: Povrzanovic Frykman M. & Frykman J (eds.), Sensitive Objects. Sweden: Kriterium. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21525/kriterium.6.i

    This chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 license. Copyright is retained by the author(s)

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    Den här boken är vetenskapligt sakkunniggranskad. Se Kriteriums policys och peer review riktlinjer.

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    Publicerad den 23 september 2016
